
School governors are volunteers who play an important role in leading schools.


The main task of a school governor is to think and to question. Governors set the school’s strategic vision and direction, approve the budget, and hold the senior leadership team to account.


More information about the governor’s role and how to volunteer is available here:


Full Governing Board Constitution

The Governing board comprises:

4 Parent Governors, elected by the parents/carers of children at the school.

1 Headteacher Governor.

1 Staff Governor.

1 Local Authority Governor, appointed by the Local County Council.

6 Co-opted Governors, elected by the Full Governing Board.


Additionally, the Governing Board may appoint Associate Members of the Governing Board. Currently, there is currently 1 Associate Member.



In January 2025 there are:


4 governor vacancies: 1 parent governor, 3 co-opted governors


1 governor with governance a role in another educational institution:  Christina Taylor.


0 governors with relevant business and/or pecuniary interests


0 governors with material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff


0 governors with low attendance


We need new governors – especially parents! If your child is already at Falcon, or will soon be joining our school, and you are interested in finding out more about the governor role, we would love to talk to you! Please contact either Edward Savage (Headteacher) or Alex McAnulty (Chair of Governors) via the school office.


Click here for GOV.UK which holds further information about our Governors.


Our Full Governing Board meets eight times per year and is chaired by Alex McAnulty.


You can find out more about our governing board in the following documents:

Other documents to download
How to get in touch

If you are interested in becoming a school governor at Falcon Junior School, or you wish to raise a matter with the governing board, please contact our Chair of Governors, Alex McAnulty via the school office.